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What to Expect During the Home Construction Phase

The construction phase is where your dream home begins to take shape. At JussConstruct, we aim to make this process as transparent and stress-free as possible. Here’s what you can expect during the home construction phase:

  1. Site Preparation:The first step in construction is preparing the site. This includes clearing the land, leveling the ground, and setting up the necessary utilities. We ensure that the site is fully prepared before any construction begins.

  2. Foundation Work:Once the site is ready, we pour the foundation. This is a critical step as the foundation supports the entire structure. We use high-quality materials and techniques to ensure a strong and stable foundation.

  3. Framing and Structural Work:With the foundation in place, we move on to framing. This involves constructing the skeleton of the house, including walls, floors, and roof structures. This phase is where your home’s shape and layout become visible.

  4. Installing Systems:After framing, we install the essential systems, including plumbing, electrical, and HVAC. Our team ensures that all systems are installed to code and function efficiently.

  5. Interior and Exterior Finishes:With the structural work and systems in place, we focus on finishing the home. This includes installing insulation, drywall, flooring, and fixtures. We also complete the exterior, adding siding, roofing, and landscaping.

  6. Final Inspections and Walkthrough:Once construction is complete, we conduct final inspections to ensure everything meets our quality standards. We’ll also do a final walkthrough with you to address any last-minute adjustments and ensure you’re completely satisfied.

JussConstruct home construction site with framing and structural work in progress.

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